Friday, September 11, 2009

6 Weeks!

So, I'm not a blogger at all, but I thought it would be cool to have a blog of my pregnancy experience to share with our child some day so here it is!
We are 6 weeks pregnant now and I still can't believe that we're expecting! We're still in the shocked phase I think. It doesn't seem real, I am sore in some places and feel nauseous on ocassion, and I also experience twinges here and there, but other than that I don't feel pregnant and I want to! However, I am grateful that as of yet there have been no negative symptoms. I also know that if/when morning sickness starts I will regretting wanting to "feel" pregnant!
Our first appointment is October 13th when I'll be 10wk 3d and I think that once we see the baby and hear his/her heartbeat that we will be able to relax and focus on being excited! As of right now we are due May 8th. I will probably start posting belly pictures when I start to show and will update weekly